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Ministry / Department : D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare
List Of Available Order(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) As Per Your Query (For Live Circulars in English)
Medical Allowance for Pensioners

क्र० स० / S.No.
न० / No.
दिनांक / Date
विषय / Subject
पीडीएफ / PDF
1 04/07/2020-P& PW (D) 07/02/2025 राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली के अंतर्गत कवर किए गए केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों को नियत चिकित्सा भत्ता (एफएमए) की मंजूरी - संबंधी ।
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to Central Government employees covered under National Pension System - reg.
2 04/07/2020-P&PW(D) 06/12/2023
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to Pensioners/Family Pensioners covered under National Pension System-reg

3 No. 4/05/2019-P&PW(D) 23/03/2022
Procedure for implementation of change of option by a Pensioner/Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS(OPD) facility and vice-versa - reg

4 4/34/2017-P&PW(D) 31/01/2018
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to Central Government Civil Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS

5 N0,4/25/2008-P&PW(D) 19/11/2014
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.
6 4/25/2008-P&PW (D) 02/05/2014 कुटुंब पेंशनभोगियों को नियत चिकित्सा भत्ता की मंजूरी , पात्रता की तारीख के संबंध में
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Family Pensioners - date of eligibility regarding
7 4/27/2009-P&PW(D) 24/05/2011
Fixed Medical Allowance to beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of government servant.
8 No.4/25/2008-P&PW(D) 26/05/2010
Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.
9 No.38/99/99-P&PW(C) 17/04/2000
Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.

10 No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 18/08/1999
Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of existing pensioners.

11 No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 30/12/1998
Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of grant of medical allowance.

12 No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) 24/08/1998
Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS - clarifications in respect of existing pensioners.

13 45/57/97-P&PW(C) 19/12/1997
Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 5th CPC. Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance Rs. 100 p.m. to Central Government Pensioners residing in area not covered under CGHS