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Ministry / Department : D/o Personnel & Training
List Of Available Order(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) As Per Your Query (For Live Circulars in English)
SR - Final Allocation Orders - Bihar and Jharkhand

क्र० स० / S.No.
न० / No.
दिनांक / Date
विषय / Subject
पीडीएफ / PDF
1 28/5/2013-SR(S) 04/07/2017 झारखण्ड राज्य आवंटित 34 कर्मचारियों का अंतिम आवंटन आदेश
Final Allocation order in respect of 34 employees allocated to the State of Jharkhand

2 28/5/2013-SR(S) 04/07/2017 बिहार आवंटित 26 कर्मचारियों संबंध में अंतिम आवंटन आदेश
Final allocation order in respect of 26 employees allocated to the State of Bihar

3 28/1/2010-SR(S) 23/08/2011
Final Allocation Orders may be seen under heading RECENT ORDERS.
