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List Of Available Order(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) As Per Your Query (For Live Circulars in English)
CSS - Training Policy (ADR Foundational Training)

क्र० स० / S.No.
न० / No.
दिनांक / Date
विषय / Subject
पीडीएफ / PDF
1 7/14/2022-CS.I(A) 18/07/2022
Foundational Training Programme for ASOs of 2019 Batch and remaining ASOs of 2018 Batch - Reg.

2 8/11/2019-CS-I(T) 07/02/2020
Extension of the duration of the existing Foundation Course for Assistant Section Officers (Probationers) and Stenographers Grade-D (Induction Training) to introduce a scheme for promotion of Adventure Sports Programme.
