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Ministry / Department : D/o Personnel & Training
List Of Available Order(s)/NOTIFICATION(s) As Per Your Query (For Live Circulars in English)

क्र० स० / S.No.
न० / No.
दिनांक / Date
विषय / Subject
पीडीएफ / PDF
1 6/3/2021-CS.I(S) 18/01/2022
Audit para No. 13 of Transaction Audit of DoPT for the yeat 2014-15 in the matter of stepping up of pay - regarding

2 6/3/2021-CS.I(S) 30/12/2021
Audit Para No. 13 of Transaction Audit of DoPT for the year 2014-15 in the matter of stepping up of pay - reg

3 18/03/2008-CS.I(P) 22/06/2021
Grant of two increments to DS and Sr. PPS on promotion from US and PPS in CSS and CSSS - Regarding

4 F. No. 18/03/2008-CS.I(P) 22/06/2021
Grant of two increments to DS/Sr. PPS on promotion from US/PPS in CSS/CSSS - Reg

5 18/2/2014-CS.I(S) 01/06/2020
Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors - OM No.18/2/2007-CS.I dated 20.05.2014 - Writ Petitions filed in the matter - regarding.

6 7/15/2007-CS.I(A)(Vol.II) 20/05/2019
regarding request of antedating of increment by some DR ASOs of 2005 and 2006

7 9/7/2013-CS.I(A) 08/10/2018
Grant of entry pay to ASOs of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006

8 9/4/2016-CS.I(A) 05/02/2018
Review of Pay Fixation of DR ASOs appointed after 01.01.2006- stepping up of pay

9 9/4/2016-CS.I(A) 05/02/2018
Review of pay fixation of DR ASOs after 01.01.2006 - stepping up of pay

10 7/13/2017-CS.I(A) 01/01/2018
Review of pay fixation of DR ASOs appointed after 01.01.2006 - stepping up of pay of DRs with reference to junior promote Assistants - reg.

11 18/2/2014-CS-I(S) 06/11/2017
Stepping up of pay of senior ASOs of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors - OM dated 20.05.14 - Follow up regarding

12 7/1/2017-CS.I(A) 12/10/2017
Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure in the Grade of ASOs

13 7/1/2017-CS.I(A)(pt) 28/02/2017
Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the Grade of Assistant Section Officers - Reg.

14 18/2/2014-CS-I(S) 27/12/2016
Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers grade than their juniors - OM No.18/2/2007-CS-I dated 20.05.2014 - Follow up action regarding

15 6/4/2014-CS-I(S) 16/09/2016
Grant of NFS to Section Officers of CSS - Clarification - regarding

16 4/1/2016-CS-I(D)(Pt.) 23/05/2016
Re-fixation of pay of officers following their placement in the appropriate Deputy Secretary Select List - Clarification - regarding

17 6/11/2015-CS-I(S) 27/11/2015
Implementation of judgment of Honble SC in Civil Appeal Nos.6046-6047 - Modification of results of SO LDCE 1996 - Fixation of Pay - Corrigendum - regarding

18 6/11/2015-CS-I(S) 18/11/2015
Implementation of judgment of SC in Civil Appeal Nos.6046-6047 - Modification of results of SO LDCE 1996 - Consequential benefits - Fixation of pay - regarding

19 18/1/77-CS(I) 06/08/1980
Scheme for training of Assistants/UDCs in Cash and Accounts matters at the I.S.T.M.
