The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M No. 39011/02/2002-Estt. (B) dated the 5th November, 2002 (copy enclosed) on the above subject requesting all Ministries/Departments to make adequate arrangement to ensure that delays in sending offers of appointment to candidates selected by UPSC are reduced to the minimum and issue letters to the recommended candidates for medical examination and also to the concerned authorities for verification of character and antecedents within ten days from the receipt of recommendation letter from the UPSC and offers of appointment could be issued to the candidates recommended by the Commission within three months from the date of recommendation letter.
2. The UPSC has expressed their concerns in their Annual Report about delay in issuing of offer of appointments by the concerned Ministry/Department. It has been observed that the candidates recommended by them should not be made to wait for years for the receipt of the offers of appointment from the concerned Ministries. In many cases, candidates selected by the Commission, in the meantime, secure placement elsewhere and do not become available for appointment under the Government thus rendering the whole exercise of selection of such candidates futile and infructuous.
3. The Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice in its 51st Report on Demand for Grants (2012-13) of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions while considering the above, has recommended that the concerned Ministries should take serious note of such delays and that they should devise appropriate measures to ensure that candidates recommended by UPSC, are issued offers of appointment, without delay.
4. All Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that the contents of the Office Memorandum dated 5th November, 2002 as well as this Office Memorandum are followed both in letter and spirit.