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Central Staffing Scheme and related guidelines

            The Central Staffing Scheme provides a systematic arrangement for the selection and appointment of officers to senior administrative posts at Centre. Subsequent to its inception, several instructions have been issued from time to time in this regard and have now been compiled and given in the following paras:-

1.       The Central Staffing Scheme 1996.


OM No: No.36/77/94-EO(SM-I) Dated: 5/1/1996

2.         The Central Staffing Scheme related Circulars – regarding

OM No: 36/15/2001-EO(SM-I) Dated: 20/7/2001

3.         Regulation of tenure of the officers on Central Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme -seeking Cadre Clearance for appointments to Non-CSS posts on 'shift' basis —All India Services regarding.

OM No: No. 36/58/2012-EO(SM-I)(1) Dated: 9/1/2013

4.         Regulation of tenure of the officers on Central Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme- seeking Cadre Clearance for appointments to Non-CSS posts on 'shift' basis- Group A services regarding

OM No: No. 36/58/2012-EO(SM-I)(2) Dated: 9/1/2013

5.         Other Posts under Central Staffing Schemes- regarding

OM No: No.21/2/2009-EO(SM-1) Dated: 19/4/2011

6.         Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVOs) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and other organisations under central Ministries/Departments- regarding

OM No: 36/9/2017-EO(SM-I)(15) Dated: 18/5/2017

7.         Tenure of officers appointed at the level of Additional Secretary/equivalent in the Government of India- regarding

OM No: 26/4/2011-EO(SM-I)(Pt.II) Dated: 15/1/2015

8.         Premature repatriation from Central Deputation-waiver of extended cooling off condition- regarding

OM No: 27/15/2015-EO(SM.I) Dated: 3/7/2015

9.         Grant of leave to officers belonging to IAS and other Central Group A Organised Services on completion of their tenure at the Centre- regarding

OM No: NO.27(38)-EO/87(SM) Dated: 20/5/1987
